Saturday, April 25, 2020

Masks and Filters... a New Perspective

We cover

we filter
we mask

all in an attempt
to protect the outer man

We uncover

and remove

years worth of layers

in a greater attempt
to reveal the inner

(sharing this today)


  1. Beautiful and so true! I love it! Your #fmf neighbor, Cindy

    1. Thank you Cindy... and thank you for stopping by!

  2. Life sure is different with filters and masks and covering up, isn't it? Thanks for sharing your thoughts today. Cool picture!

  3. No need to filter or to mask;
    if I die, that may be fit,
    but my smile's my holy task,
    and I mean for you to see it.
    I won't shelter, hunker down,
    because we were not made this way;
    in isolation do we drown,
    and I once heard Jesus say,
    "Come," and His hand extended
    to me 'cross the raging sea,
    for the walk that was intended
    to define and strengthen me
    in the faith that conquers fear,
    the faith that we need showin' here.
