Saturday, May 31, 2014

"APFLH" Children's Art Studio... Bubbles

The weather was warm and it was the perfect day
to break out the bubbles along with...

a recycled cup and funnel...

a repurposed paper towel holder...
a large fly swatter
a drinking straw, a tray, and a medicine dropper...

A friend I've had since Junior High stopped by
to enjoy some bubble action with her younger son

and as the children played

we chatted
and laughed
and reminisced

about when we were kids ourselves

and agreed that the time seemed to be going too fast!

That's why it's time to do
whatever God has put in us to do...

Time to get up and...

fulfill our purpose
reach our goals

(and ironically enough)

as we were
saying it

her son was
showing it


we watched
we learned
we admired

and remembered that

the best way
the perfect way
the only way

to ever truly reach our higher


is through

focused heart
determined mind

and with hands and eyes lifted to the Lord in praise!
What are you trying to reach?


for a fun children's story
and more bubble fun!!

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