Monday, November 11, 2019

Celebrating Independence Day in Cartagena, Colombia

Our featured families
know that world travel

is less about

and more about


and the wonderful opportunity to
meet, learn from, and connect

with people...

from all over the world!

The Harris Family
"The Single Sisters"

Los Angeles to Ft. Lauderdale, FL
(approx. 2,342 miles)


book your flight 

then grab a book
for your flight

as sisters and friends head out
for another life changing trip!

 Ft. Lauderdale to Cartagena, Colombia
(approx. 1,117 miles)

Welcome to Cartagena!!

"Cartagena is rich with culture. 

The people are welcoming and friendly,
and we are blessed to be alive and LOVED"

and since...

the country is beautiful
the people are beautiful

you'll also want a beautiful place
to begin (and end) each day while there

Casa Cochera del Gobernador
Bed and Breakfast

view website

Take time to...

fuel up for a day of festivities with people from
around the world who've gathered to celebrate

Cartagena Independence Day
November 11, 1811

"Being here is a reminder of how much
we take for granted back at home"

and remember...

(what happens at the festival, stays at the festival)

grab your sister and friends the next morning
for a delicious meal and rejuvenating day trip


and a mud bath in the dormant...

Totumo Mud Volcano

Jamilla says...

It was quite the adventure 

Despite the panicked look on my face... we truly embraced the experience,
and if you visit Colombia, I suggest trying it with a group of your friends.

Along with a...

Beach/Boat Tour

(to complete your Colombian adventures)

Before you go...

introducing something new I'm asking our
families to document on their travel adventures

"A Selfie w/ a Stranger"

She says...

"This lady gave the
best massages at the beach

She's lived in Colombia all of her life,
and when I asked for a selfie, she said yes!"


that we each have a


(our gift)

to share with others,
connect, and prove

that together...

we can change the world!

(find more Family Adventures here)

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