Thursday, August 7, 2014

What the Kids Are Up To... Production

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"What The Kids Are Up To This Summer"

Once the children were on
their entrepreneurial path,

I wanted to introduce examples of
other successful (craft) businesses...

so we started the week off with a
field trip to a local Craft Marketplace! 


The focus:
Production/Testing/ Product Placement and Distribution

The lesson:
How to create a streamlined product, package it,
and successfully distribute it to the customer

The assignment:
-Organize business supplies and materials
-Create sample product
-Introduce samples to a "test group" for feedback
-Do a SWOT analysis
(to anticipate business strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)


And once they ventured out with sample product in hand
we quickly found the strengths and weaknesses

as I realized that I had forgotten to
introduce the first rule of strategic planning...

"Structure Follows Strategy"

The reason we didn't have successful business structure
was because we hadn't discussed our business strategy!

But I've also learned that...

"Failure is Feedback"

and according to Child Development expert Ellen Galinsky 
there are seven essential life skills every child needs...

Focus/ Self-Control
Perspective Taking
Making Connections
Critical Thinking
Taking On Challenges
Self-directed/ Engaged Learning

So back to Session 1...

(because it's all about simultaneous instruction)

And their next assignment would prove helpful,
putting them back on track, while carefully
leading them toward the future success of...

Color*full Creations
creating a life full of color
What the kids are up to next...

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