Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Remember the Way Home

We piled six bikes 
onto the back of her truck...

her bike
my bike
her son's bike
my son's bike
her daughter's bike
my daughter's bike

Since our hubbies had to work
(and school was closed)   

it didn't take a mathematician 
to figure out that...

bikes + kids + holiday 
(in Southern CA) 

= the perfect beach day

She came to pick us up, and once all of our bikes 
were strategically placed onto the back of her truck

we climbed in...

my daughter
her daughter
her son
my son

and we set out for another
family field trip adventure...
Once at the beach

we found parking
unloaded the bikes and
took off

until the children noticed 
a sand dune inviting them to...

veer off the trail
hop off of their bikes and
run across the sandy slopes to explore

She and I stayed back to chat, but when we 
looked up a moment later, our boys were gone

"Where are your brothers?"

we shouted over to the girls 

as they pointed down the other 
side of the hill toward the ocean

Well it doesn't take a mathematician
to figure out that...

two boys + sand + water
= a muddy mess

"Tell the boys to come back up"

and with that
the girls also disappeared

And for a moment...
in the silence...

we wondered
we watched
we waited

with only remnants 
of childhood still visible

a deserted bike
an empty hill 

Until one...



children were back on the hill

(and in that moment) 

I realized that motherhood is about...

allowing your children the freedom to explore

the other side of the hill
the ocean side of the hill

without you

and it can be scary

not being able to

see them
reach them
touch them

and knowing there is a great big ocean
ready to swallow them whole

(just as would life itself)

but you 

remind yourself
as you stand 

watching the hill in faith 


you also know
that they know 

that the only way home 
is on this side of the hill


  1. That was very touching, and true as my "little one" is now legally an adult, but still mommy's baby. Still in California, but feels like she's on the other side of the globe. I can't touch her, check to see if she's covered at night, or drive her around. I have to trust that I have raised her well,and she's mature enough to handle this ole' world. Good Post Tondra!

    1. But you can find comfort and confidence in knowing that SHE knows!
