Saturday, November 23, 2013

He Opens Doors

"I'm in sixth grade now"...
he proudly proclaimed upon seeing her again

Micah and Mrs. H- September 2013

and I watched the two of them as she stopped 
to look at him, shaking her head in disbelief

"Wow, sixth grade already? 

It seems like just yesterday that
I tested you for Kindergarten!"

She looked at me smiling... 

(and I knew what was coming next)

"I'll never forget that as we
were leaving the room you said,

'Let me open the door because
that's what a man does for a lady.' 

She had never heard a five-year-old
speak in that manner and

6 years...
3 months...
150 students...


she was still talking about him

There are few things
that make such a lasting


but some things touch us so deeply
that we remember...

We remember that

After the time of testing,
He opens doors

opens doors

(while reminding He is the Door)

perhaps really saying

After the test, I will
open myself to you

open myself
reveal myself
allow myself

to become transparent
enough for you to see


And His Word leaves

an impression
an indention

reminding us to thank Him

for fond memories
completed tests


opened doors
Mrs. H and Micah- June 2008

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